~~~Our Family~~~

~~~Our Family~~~

Scarlett's Home!!! Ahhhhh Home Sweet Home ;-)

FINALLY!!! Scarlett came home today! Now we have our family here on earth complete...and one sweet boy still waiting to see us in Heaven. It feels so good to finally start our journey as a bigger family. Here come MORE sleepless nights, screaming babies, 2 year old temper tantrums, and just short tempers in general.......bring it on. It's all worth it for the sweet babies we get to call our own. *HUGE sigh of releif*
Here's some pictures from Scarlett's homecoming!


Combitos said...

Whoa! I happened to swing by and you just posted pics like 15 minutes ago! HOW LUCKY!!!

Yes indeed... a Sweet Home.

You two are total pros already. And oh those girls. They are super-d-duper cute. And I consider myself an expert in girl cuteness :)

p.s. Why does it look like they are bigger and have more neck chubby than my pee-wee Norah? I can't believe how great they look!

p.s.s. You look great too Katie... seriously, so pretty. I can only imagine what peace and joy this is to have your babies home together to snuggle with you 24/7.

Sarah said...

yay i'm so happy! you are such a beautiful family! your girls are so beautiful! i'm sure you are loving having your girls both home now.

The Shoe Fairy said...

What great pictures!!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FAMILY. I only wish I was able to be there to help. Katie, you look soooo very pretty in these pictures. The happiness and joy your feeling is really reflected in your face. Enjoy every minute......they will grow quickly. Kaden looks like he is so excited to be the big brother and anxious to show them the ropes! Take a quick nap when you can, be kind to each other. Remember you are both doing your best. May God continue to bless you and give you the strength and patience to handle the long days and NIGHTS ahead!!!! You'll do GREAT!

Kaylie said...

So cute and wonderful! Can't wait to see them in person :) And I have to ask how it's been having identical twins? Have you both figured out how to tell them apart? So happy for you both!
