~~~Our Family~~~

~~~Our Family~~~


So I've been here in the hospital now for 6 days. So far--it's been exhausting, relaxing, enjoyable, boring, crazy, and depressing. The constant monitoring is becoming so hard. My belly hurts for hours after they get done pushing hard, poking, and maneuvering my belly in the directions they want it to go in order to hear all the heartbeats inside! It's torture! I get monitored for 2 hours total/day, however due to how difficult it is to find the heartbeats-- each time usually takes 2-3 hours before we're done. I feel exhausted just thinking about the ordeals I go through. But, I also know I'm here doing whats best for the babies. Right now they need to be monitored as often as possible to make sure they're gonna make it to birth okay.
Some good news:
-I'm no longer on "Bed rest with bathroom privileges". WAHOO! Turns out, somehow the nurses all assumed I was supposed to be on bed rest, but never really checked my chart which clearly states by my doctor that I am NOT supposed to be on bed rest. Whew. Glad we got that one figured out. Now I can get up and walk around as much and as often as I want to! It's really been nice- especially when Kaden comes to visit ;-)
-I no longer have my IV in! YAY! That thinG hurt SO bad--and I had a hard time because it was hard to even get myself dressed with an IV protruding out of my wrist. Now- everything is good- and I shouldn't need an IV unless there's an emergency.
-I finally have the nutritionist here on my side about all my meals. She's been informed that I am just about the pickiest eater on the planet- and that I kind of need plain and special meals in order to get me to eat. She totally worked with me an entire weeks worth of meals that I'll thoroughly enjoy--and now I'm actually excited when the meals come around. *sigh of relief*
- This week actually has gone by fairly quickly. I haven't been here "exactly" a week yet, however I feel like all this time kinda went by fast. That's SUCH a good thing. I can't even explain how much I miss Kaden and Austin-- but really this week has felt like a short period of time. Thanks to my mom bringing Kaden up here to see me as often as possible, and Austin coming to visit as much as he can- it's helped me a ton. We also got the webcam set up nicely so we can see eachother and say goodnight. It's been really awesome. Now I know that I've gotten through one week down--there's only about 6 more possibly to go. *I CAN do this*
Anyway, there's a bunch of small things that are growing increasingly hard to deal with here- but i'm trying to stay positive. Here's a few pictures from recently ;-) Thanks everyone for the prayers and visits!


Heather said...

You're doing a great job staying positive, honey. Love the updates. Are you writing some of your more in-depth, personal feelings in a journal sometimes? You'd better, cause I know from experience that even though you think you will NEVER be able to forget details of this ordeal, you will. (And thankfully so.) Your dad has a real mental block from when we went through that first year with you. Sometimes other people remind me of things from that time and I have to say, "oh, yeah...I forgot about that."
Anyway, you're right - if you can do this, you can do ANYTHING. And so far you're showing this trial who's boss!! Proud of you - love you so much. Hang in there!

Brittany said...

Whenever I had to do something for a few days,weeks or months....Mommy used to always tell me, "You can do anything for _______ amount of time!"
First it was Dace team camp which was a few days, next it was Senior year which was a few months, followed by Dental Assisting School....and then my pregnancies! As silly as it seems....it really did help....so in case Mom hasn't told you yet....You can do anything for 6 weeks! Love you Kate!!

Combitos said...

So Katie, you're looking beauty queen fabulous. Honest. Just gorgeous.

And those two boys you got hangin' around. They're not too shabby themselves. :)

Hang in there!

rmt said...

I'm so glad they got the "bed rest" thing figured out! Hooray for not having to stay in bed, and no IV! All good news!

You amaze me with how positive your outlook is. Those beautiful little babies will never have ANY doubt about how much they were loved and wanted...just look and what you had to go through just to get them here! :)

I'm sad that JT and I didn't get to come see you last night, but glad that all is well now. We'll try again next week.

Love ya!
