~~~Our Family~~~

~~~Our Family~~~

PAIN and my 30 week mark!

These pictures are from just a couple weeks ago- but I had to document the kind of crap I've been going through. This is why I always say "I'm tired of being in pain". Most of these battle scars are no thanks to WAY too many IV attempts and the ever too familiar blood draws. Not to mention everything else that hurts...hmm...my whole backside when it gets numb, my left leg when my nerve gets compressed, my belly from all the monitors all the time feels like my skin is peeling off, the all-day-lasting stinging sensation from the jelly they use to keep the monitors on, the headaches from not getting enough sleep, the contractions, the cramps.....my list could go on ;-)

Anyway, now enough of my pity party. I still continue to get regular visits from my sweet husband and Kaden thanks to my mom who makes most of that possible. Here's some fun pics from when he comes to visit. All the nurses here already know him by name- when he passes by the nurses desks he said "hi eh-buddy!". Then as he passes he says "Bye guys!". So cute!

Oh- and I guess I'll add in here my 30 week along picture. If you're wondering why I'm not Monstrously huge by now- the reason is I'm losing weight still. For the past 5 months it seems I've either maintained my weight- or gained or lost 2 lbs. I can't seem to keep enough food in me! The triplets take EVERYTHING and then they eat at the fat I had from before! Gross, huh. Anyway- so I still feel huge- I still hurt, but every ounce that's inside that tummy you see is ALL baby. Crazy kids.


erin said...

um im pregnant with ONE and i feel like i look the same size as you! i cant believe you are housing THREE children! your body is amazin :) sorry for all your pain, but you know its worth it :)

THE Shoe Fairy said...

Wish you felt as good as you look!!! PLEASE.....TRY TO EAT.

Heather said...

Hey, Triptomom - congrats on reaching the 30 wk mark!!! That is a monumental accomplishment. You're such a good mom. And thanks for updating the blog - we love it!!

Amanda said...

You are such an amazing mother! What an inspirational and strong woman you are. I wish I was closer so I could come visit you! Cannot wait to login and see that your babies are here. ;-)

Combitos said...

I can just picture them snuggling each other in there! So sweet :)
